Tuesday, February 24, 2009

new email address

I am getting a new email address mkopy716@yahoo.com
How do I change my blog sign in and new password address on it? anyone know?
My mom is getting a faster internet..she got a different computer that will be faster for her.
I go to the foot doctor today at 1:30pm.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

NO Surgery for ME

I had my appointment with my refexologist in Utah...she gave me some oil for my foot. It started feelilng better in 20 minutes. I bought some " Cuts and bruises". I am going off my blood pressure pill and water pill. I will be taking some medicine from her. I will be taking some stuff for my alergies that is unrefined seame seed oil...it will help my throat that seems to always be swollen from my alergies...I take vitamins. My effexor for depression I will still have to stay on for alittle while. I willl have to get my body working more than 83%. My body was only working 75% last year. I have had some improvement. She told me I have sleeping problems and still wake up very stiff. So I have to get a different vitamin Emergen C strawberry for adults. I am so excited to have this change.
My birthday is February 18 and I will I will be 53 years old.
Keep on improving with NO Surgery. I havent gone to my surgen doctor yet. I hope my foot shrinks and gets well before February 24. Vicki said my foot has infection in it. She was so happy to see my blue lips are gone. I had blue lips from Carbon Monoxide poision last July. I got a new furnace in January but I still have blue lips.. Vicki has helped me what the doctor could not help. He tried everything. I am in debt 10,000 for carbon monoxide poision. I only have to pay Vicki $25.00. Thank God we had Indians in this country...!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

my foot

I went to the doctor this morning. My doctor called arthritis an abyess cycst that needs removed. He said he could not drain it. it would make it worse and referred me to surgical doctor for feet. He has to call me with the appointment date today. My cousin Gene's wife, Sue she had an abysess on her wrist and was taken out...oh sue....the doctor wouldnt drain it today. He said it would make it worse.